
TILJAR provides advice on matters relating to safety, security, defense and emergency preparedness on land, at sea and in the air.

I have been working with preparedness and issues related to safety, security and defence in practical terms as well as at administrative and management level which I think is a good precondition related to offer advice within these areas. I offer advice to governments (authorities), municipalities and private companies in matters related to emergency preparedness, safety, security and defence in a broad sense. My advisory relates to strategic leadership regarding security issues on land, at sea and in the air and relevant legal issues in this regard. These areas can be summarized in this way:

  • Local level: advice in the preparation and coordination of contingency plans, security and safety plans.
  • National level: advice on how contingency plans can be coordinated on an overall level, Including with regard to crisis management because of major incidents or terrorist attacks.
  • International level: advice towards Nordic Council and the Arctic Council, as well as within NATO.
  • International organizations in the UN and the EU framework which regulates the safety and security in relation to aviation and shipping such as ICAO, ECAC, EASA, IMO and the Paris MoU.
  • The humaniterian area in the UN framework and issues related to refugees.
  • Safety and preparedness in relation to offshore activities on the Faroese Continental Shelf, including relevant legislation such as Act on Hydrocarbon Activities, Act on Preparedness and the Marine Environment Protection Act.
  • Copenhagen Agreement for cooperation between the Nordic countries in dealing with pollution (1971), the Agreement on Cooperation on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue in the Arctic (2011), and the Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic (2012).

Prevention of terrorism on land, at sea and in the air, including relevant legislation such as the criminal law, procedural law, the Act on safety at sea, including the ISPS code and aviation law, including the Danish National Civil Aviation Security Program.

Henrik Weihe Joensen
Ráðgevi innan virkisøki strategisk leiðsla og fyrisiting, løgfrøðiligar spurningar og viðurskifti við atliti at trygdar-, verju- og tilbúgvingarmálum.
Millum Gilja 7
FO-188 Hoyvík
Faroe Islands
Tel:+298 221091